6 things you need to clean the hob in record time
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6 things you need to clean the hob in record time

May 30, 2023

Wiping down the kitchen hob every time you cook is a good habit to get into. But when there are a million things to do around the house, the mess can be left on the back burner — quite literally.

Unfortunately, spills and splatters of food from cooking are harder to clean once they've dried, so leaving them to clear up later isn't ideal. To help you tackle the job, you'll need the right equipment, and the good news is that this this doesn't have to cost a fortune.

We've rounded up the six things you need in your cleaning arsenal to clean the hob in record time.

For ceramic, halogen or induction hobs, a good supply of specialist cream cleaner really is invaluable for shifting food spills fast. Try Astonish Hob Cleaner or, for an even cheaper option, Stardrops Pink Stuff.

Whichever cleaner you use, apply it using a damp cloth then use a soft, cotton cloth to polish to a shine.

A general cleaning cloth will do the job of cleaning the hob fine, but a microfibre one makes tougher cleaning jobs easier. Use a coarser microfibre cloth to work away food deposits, followed by a smoother one to polish to a shine. The e-cloth Hob & Oven Pack contains one of each type.

Make removing burnt-on food from a ceramic hob easier using the Hob Heaven Ceramic Hob Cleaning Scraper. This clever gadget is designed to lift the toughest food deposits from delicate hobs without damaging the surface.

There's life in your old toothbrush yet! It may not be up to the job of keeping your pearly whites gleaming anymore, but an old toothbrush is a handy tool for cleaning the trickier areas of a gas hob.

Once you’ve removed the burners, dip the toothbrush in a solution of all-purpose surface cleaner, like the Method Multi- Surface Spray, and use this to scrub away at cooking grime gently.

Spray a solution of distilled white vinegar – you can refill an old trigger spray bottle once it's been thoroughly rinsed – on to a stainless-steel hob and let it work on the grease for a few minutes before wiping the gunk away with a sponge.

GHI Tip: Keep a spray bottle of the vinegar solution in the cupboard under your sink for speedy spot-checks.

If your adversary is a protein-based food spill (such as milk or egg) on a stainless-steel hob, dip a piece of kitchen towel or an old cloth into a solution of biological laundry detergent and lay this on the stain. The enzymes in the detergent will help to break it down.

Lift, then use a sponge to loosen the deposit, repeating if necessary. Always remember to allow your hob to cool fully before cleaning it.

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1. A good cream cleaner3. A hob scraper4. An old toothbrush5. White vinegarGHI Tip:6. Bio laundry liquidYou Might Also Like